I shared this Rumi quote with my session today

A divine dance appears in the soul and the body at the time of peace and union. Anyone can learn the dance, just listen to the music.

For me Rumi speaks here about compassion and intention, when you listen to your true self “at the time of piece and union” when you truncate yourself from “your to do list”.

“listen to the music” of being human it’s already encoded within you.

This compassion can be to others but particularly I want to focus on compassion for yourself today. I know this word now comes with bows and whistles but what I’m trying to say is it’s kinda like having a relationship with yourself.  Wether it’s taking a walk, gifting yourself with taking time out to do whatever makes you feel alive. It could be going climbing, boxing, whatever this looks like for you? Anything that fills your heart and lets you look inside.

Let’s look at this in the yoga setting: You may feel like you need to be in a particular shape or you don’t allow yourself to come out of the form when it’s not feeling right to you. Or too ashamed to take child’s pose when you really need it? Have you even been there...I have? 

I invite you to join me to create a safe space that welcomes that individuality. This is what makes the session personalised to you.

  • Your choice 

  • Your session that meets you where you are today!

For this to truly work I invite you to join me to change our sessions to allow adjustments and manual assists, as an option.

Therefore before each session you have the choice to OPT IN to having adjustments. Perhaps you don't fancy getting an adjustment today, that’s totally cool with me, so you can have your say with no judgement.

Yoga has gifted me agency when I felt I had no voice. It made me trust in myself and listen to what’s going on inside. If that’s not Yoga then what is? Together we can cocreate this space, for all of us but especially ourselves.

"3 SH@TS To Make You a Better Person"
Sorry to say this one size attitude quick fix, dosn’t fit all. All that stuff is within us and yes that takes more effort. If you fancy side tracking into the cul de sack, that’s fine and perhaps thats what you’re meant to do. Or maybe you stop busying yourself with the crap that doesn't really matter and take the plunge into the shuddering cold uncomfortableness that looking inside you really is... to truly listen to you.

And for me it starts right here on the mat. 
As an invitation to FEEL or maybe EXPLORE the parts of you that are NUMB.
And be ok with that. 

If you fancy a bit of that…check out

Sunday 6 Jan 2019
Small group session 
Book Here 

Privates Tuesdays & Sundays Book Here
£50 - 75 mins

That's all from me today. I hope this letter could be a gentle poke for you to spend time with yourself. Gift yourself some attention and interoception (a fancy word for checking out the feelings inside yourself)

You know I read everything you send back, so feel free to share with me how we can tailor our sessions to truly allow freedom within form and we can inspire each other with new ideas.... and thats why I called my businessYoga Atelier a space to grow and learn and explore together...